Mornings at boarding school

The day started with mass in the church. After morning mass the school boarders used to go to the refectory which was situated on the ground floor of the building along the football field.  The tables  were narrow and long, covered with a metal sheet on top.  There were long benches on either side on the table, that seated 4 – 5 students per bench.

Breakfast was a process involving many kitchen helpers.

brunThe first helper came along with a basket of bananas, aluminium bowls and plates. Each boarder was given a banana , a bowl and a plate with a big crusty ‘gootli’  (hard bread or brun) on it.

The next helper followed with a sharp knife and small pre-cut portions of butter on a tray. He cut the gootli across the middle and spread one portion of butter on both halves.  Then he sliced the gootli across the top making 6 strips of gootli and butter.

The third helper came along with a jug of sweet tea. He filled the bowls with tea. This was the most delightful part of my breakfast.  I enjoy my cup of tea at breakfast even today.

Some children got a portion of jam or a boiled egg, however they had to pay extra for this. Fr. Donnalley’s boys always got a   boiled egg for breakfast.

One of the kitchen helpers was a blind man called John. Every morning he cleaned and peeled a bucket of potatoes for our meals.

It was interesting to watch him do  it. He had a shell in the palm of his hand that he would sharpen by rubbing it on the ground.  Then he put it in the palm of his hand and rolled  the potato in his hand to peel it.

When we had finished our breakfast,  the bowl and plate  together with the banana peel was moved in a neat stack to the middle of the table.  When Fr. Benevant clapped his hands we stood up and left the refectory for the study hall.

The boarders used the study hall for one hour  every morning, after breakfast.  Here each boy had a desk with a lid that could be  locked. Each boarder had his books and pencils in his locker.

At about 7:45 the boys all queued out and went to class rooms. We were in class until lunch time.